Meyers Plumbing

Welcome to your Meyers Plumbing online home! 

Below you will find a an overview of each month’s Google Campaign. The analytics provide you with a snapshot of your company’s overall digital performance. 

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We take a deep dive into your current Google campaign to determine what’s driving leads. The analytics can provide actionable insights, so we can help make smart decisions in optimizing your campaigns and general outreach for maximum ROI. We’re happy to discuss any results and questions to make the best possible campaigns for you.


  • Google Campaign Results
    • Overview of past month’s campaign results. 
  • Campaign Notes
    • Re-created Ads
    • Added new relevant keywords 
    • Deleted low quality keywords
    • Added new heating ad to the overall campaign 
  • Google Campaign Results

    • Overview of past month’s campaign results. 

  • Campaign Notes

    • Revised radius on campaign locations

    • Added new relevant keywords 

    • Continued monitoring low quality keywords

  • Google Campaign Results

    • Overview of past month’s campaign results. 

  • Campaign Notes

    • Added keywords

    • Removed underperforming keywords 

    • Adjusted budgets 
    • Placed more emphasis on calls 

  • Google Campaign Results

    • Overview of past month’s campaign results. 

  • Campaign Notes

    • Added keywords

    • Removed underperforming keywords 

    • Adjusted budgets 
    • Placed more emphasis on calls 

  • Google Campaign Results

    • Overview of past month’s campaign results. 

  • Campaign Notes

    • Added keywords

    • Removed underperforming keywords

    • Monitoring calls as a stead flow continues 
  • Google Campaign Results

    • Overview of past month’s campaign results. 

  • Campaign Notes

    • Adjusted HVAC budget

    • Add additional keywords to HVAC campaign to coincide with the warmer months 
    • Removed underperforming keywords


  • Google Campaign Results
  • Campaign Notes
    • Added campaign images so you can see what type of ads are running throughout the campaign. This also gives you the chance to review any changes you may want to see in future ads. 
  • Google Campaign Results
  • Website Traffic Graph
  • Campaign Notes
    • The new graph shows you where your website traffic is coming from. We can see a direct comparison between direct customers (consumers who go directly to the website without search) verse Google visitors (consumers who use Google search to find the business).
  • Google Campaign Results
    • Showing this past month’s Google analytics. 
  • Website Traffic Graph
    • The graph shows you where your website traffic is coming from. A large portion of the traffic came from Google. 
  • Campaign Notes
    • Raised the budget. This month $1,670 was spent in the campaign.
    • Campaign showed higher CTR (click-through-rate) and Interaction Rate. Even though overall clicks were down, we received more quality clicks (people looking for your specific services). 
    • Next month should be closer to $2,000 with our focus geared toward HVAC services. 
  • Google Campaign Results
    • Overview of this month’s Google analytics.
  • Website Traffic Graph
    • The graph highlights where your website traffic is coming from. As you can seen, a large portion of your traffic continues to be driven through Google searches. The overall Google traffic was slightly higher than last month.
  • Campaign Notes
    • We recently raised the budget, which brought the overall budget closer to 2k. This month $1,860 was spent in the Google campaign.
    • May’s overall performance spent like the previous month of April, so analytics are similar. With the addition of $500 to the overall campaign, we’ll increase daily budgets even further.
    • However, the goal is to still focus on driving quality leads over general clicks.
  • Moving Forward 
    • As we move forward, we’ll continue adding to the budget with a focus on HVAC services. 
  • Google Campaign Results
    • Overview of this month’s Google analytics.
  • Website Traffic Graph
    • This graph highlights your incoming traffic analytics. Per the graph, the highest traffic continues to funnel through Google searches.
    • Ideally, it would be beneficial for social media to compliment these numbers with a higher social media presence in the future. 
  • June Campaign Notes
    • We continued to raise the budget, which brought the overall budget to approximately 3k.
    • With the additional spending, we saw an increase in overall clicks, impressions and interactions. 
  • Moving Forward 
    • We’ll aim for a campaign spending budget between $2,500-3,000 pending demand. 
    • As the campaign learns from the previous month of spending, we’re looking for continued optimized numbers.
    • However, we need to focus on adding updated assets such as images and logos. These updated assets are necessary in increasing the overall optimization of the campaign. 
  • Google Campaign Results
    • Overview of this month’s Google analytics.
  • Website Traffic Graph
    • This graph highlights your incoming traffic analytics. Per the graph, the highest traffic continues to funnel through Google searches.
  • June Campaign Notes
    • We brought the budget back to approximately $2,500 for the month. 
  • Moving Forward 
    • Continue optimization and continuation of working with the budget to maximize spending.
  • Google Campaign Results
    • Overview of this month’s Google analytics.
  • Website Traffic Graph
    • This graph highlights your incoming traffic analytics. Per the graph, the highest traffic continues to funnel through Google searches. 
  • August Campaign Notes
    • The budget spent slightly above its $2,500 for the month, but it also was lead to a much higher count in impressions.  
  • Looking Forward
    • Continue campaign with focus on HVAC services, while keeping all other areas of the campaign consistent. We’ll pause the campaign shy of its $2,500 budget next month (if needed). 
  • Google Campaign Results
    • Overview of this month’s Google analytics.
  • Website Traffic Graph
    • Highlights your website traffic. The last couple months has seen an increase in website visitors each month. 
  • Looking Forward
    • Focus on driving clicks to the website. 
  • Google Campaign Results
    • Google Campaign Overview 
  • Campaign Notes 
    • Optimized Campaign – We improved the optimization of your overall campaign. Optimization score is an estimate of how well your Google Ads account is set to perform. Optimization score runs from 0% to 100%, with 100% meaning that your account could perform at its full potential.
    • Refined and Added New Keywords
    • Adjusted Bid Strategy
    • Reduced the Cost/Conversion
  • Google Campaign Results
    • Overview of past month’s campaign results. 
  • Campaign Notes
    • Campaign optimized  
    • Gradually adding new images to individual campaigns 
    • New keywords added 
    • Adjusted bid strategy, updated search campaign and focused on more clicks toward Air Duct Cleaning Services.
  • Google Campaign Results
    • Overview of past month’s campaign results. 
  • Campaign Notes
    • Campaign optimized  
    • Added new keywords 
    • Deleted low searched keywords 
    • Re-adjusted all campaigns 


View a gallery of the many different variations of ads that your current campaign is displaying to consumers.